Comet Softwares

Digital Marketing-Internet & Social Media Marketing

    Social Media Marketing
  • Google- On page SEO
  • Face Book Marketing
  • Linked In Marketing
  • Twitter Marketting
  • You Tube Marketing
  • Google Ads
  • Whatsapp
  • E-Mail Marketing...
    Careers in Digital marketing
  • You Can KickStart Your Own Career
  • Get Paid More Than Your Peers through a most respected Service
  • Become an In-Demand Professional who works with Social Media
  • Benefit from More Career Choice...Digital Marketing Executive / Consultant

internet & Social Media Marketing Training for college students,

Dear Student, Greetings from Varnan,Comet Softwares. We are into web based Internet and Social Media Marketing all over the state. We are looking for students with computer or laptop at home to join us as Domain Support Executive-part time. Learn the technology and earn in part time or full time. We offer training in real time projects ,on the job training at 90 % discount to interested candidates. This is an excellent opportunity, don’t miss it. This skill set has very good job opportunities too. For details you may contact at the address mentioned. RS 30000/- ORIGINAL FEE BUT WE OFFER 90% DISCOUNT.WE CHARGE ONLY 3000/- Training Contents: • INTERNET BASICS FOR A WEB DESIGNER LEVEL • HTML,DHTML,MINI PROJECT, HTML5,CSS 3 MINI PROJECT • PHOTO SHOP, CORAL DRAW, ADOBE ILLSUTRATOR BY INDUSTRIAL EXPERTS, REAL TIME CREATIVE IMAGE PROJECTS • USING ONLINE PAID AND FREE WEBSITES AND LATEST TOOLS • WEB DESIGN, HOSTING AWEB SITE • ONLINE AND OFF LINE TESTING • INTERNET MARKETING BASICS • SEO CONCEPTS • REALTIME PROJECTS IN WEB SITES WITH ORGANIC SEO • FACE BOOK,TWITTER,LINKED IN MARKETING • SMS,EMAIL MARKETING • CONCEPT T- SHIRT BEARING THE COLLEGE NAME AND OUR COMPANY NAME PART TIME JOB IN MY WEB PROJECTS AND DISGITAL MARKETING PROJECTS.DURATION 60 HOURS 2 HOURS A DAY FEES:3000/- ONLY IN 2 INSTALLMENTS.STUDENTS FROM 1ST YEAR TO FINAL YEAR COMPUTER SCIENCE,BCA,B.COM,BBA AND ALL OTHER BRANCHES MAY JOIN.JOB SCOPE FOR THIS SKILL SET IS VERY GOOD.YOU WILL GET BACK YOUR FEES IF WORK WITH US,CAN EARN MORE…. CONTACT: VARNAN 9791197980

We need students who are interested in getting part time and full time job in creative images,web design,internet and social media marketing.

We provide 90% offer if you join as a team. Flexible timings.30 hours training -on Sunday 2 to 3 hours or week days 2 hours